

The jungle is a strange experience to the man who is unfamiliar with this type terrain. To overcome instinctive fears and uncertainties, commanders must condition the soldier's mind for this new experience. The men must be given confidence in their ability to live, move, and operate in a jungle. This training begins with physical training which increases a man's physical ability and makes him sure that he can do whatever is required, regardless of the physical hardship. The soldier must be thoroughly indoctrinated in techniques of survival. He must be confident of his ability to exist alone and find his way to safety if he becomes separated from his unit. He must know that he can survive over a considerable period of time on jungle vegetation without conventional rations. He must be sure of his ability to cope with the wild life of the jungle.

Capture Date(s): February 27, 2024
Camera: Canon EOS R5
Lens: Canon RF 50MM F/1.2 L USM LENS
Shutter Speed: 1/8 sec
Aperture: f/5
ISO: 100

Paul Panfalone

Paul Panfalone is a Cleveland, OH based artist and toy photographer. He spent his childhood dreaming up stories using action figures in the backyard of his home in East Aurora, NY, appropriately nicknamed “Toytown”. Now as an adult (sort of), he imagines new worlds with those same figures and lives their adventures through the lens of his camera, much like he did back home, over thirty years ago.




1991 G.I. Joe Benelux Catalog